Intervention materials

Managing body weight forms a central part of the IDEFICS study. Our body weight is intimately linked to our dietary and lifestyle habits. Once established, these habits are extremely difficult to change. Therefore, it is essential to develop healthy habits early on, and to establish healthy living in kindergartens and schools, to be able to enjoy life to the full. But most of our habits are shaped at home, in the family setting. Helping parents understand what they can do to get their children on the right track to a healthy lifestyle is one of the main aims of the study. To this end, the IDEFICS study has formulated six key messages - based on international scientific recommendations - that provide parents with simple measures for their children to learn healthy living.


  • Enhancing daily consumption of water
  • Enhancing daily consumption of fruit and vegetables

Physical activity

  • Reducing TV viewing
  • Enhancing daily physical activity

Stress, coping and relaxation

  • Spending more time together
  • Ensuring adequate sleep time

The six messages were, among other activities, promoted during the IDEFICS intervention using diverse materials, shown in this page.  For queries please contact us:

Window posters (3) and flyers (5)

(The intervention flyers are available in different languages)

Cookery and activity book

The cookery and activity book offered practical motivation and easy-to-carry-out assistance for children, parents and educators in the area of food preparation, physical activity, stress coping and traditional games (e.g. a picnic or a summer festival). The cookery and activity book was developed within the activities of the intervention platform, involving researchers from the IDEFICS project and kindergartens, schools and families, who sent in their favourite recipes and gaming ideas. A jury made up of nutritionists, pedagogues, parents and children identified the best three recipes and leisure time activities by carrying out a real cooking competition.

The book was printed by “Westermann Verlag” (Germany) which sponsored 1000 free copies for each intervention centre in 8 different languages.


During the IDEFICS intervention three podcasts were produced with the intention to broadcast key messages of the study both internally and externally: a medium of knowledge exchange and further education within the project members, and as a convenient presentation of the IDEFICS intervention key messages to families in the intervention regions. Please klick on the pictures for viewing the podcasts:

Podcast 1 (length: 13:27 minutes) includes following key messages:

  • Refresh your child with water
  • Fruit and vegetables taste delicious!

Podcast 2 (length: 13:58 minutes) includes following key messages:

  • Encourage your child to be more active
  • Help your child to get enough sleep

Podcast 3 (length: 5:06 minutes) includes following key messages:

  • Enjoy family time instead of media time