The study

The multi-centre IDEFICS project consisted of two elements:

  1. A prospective cohort study in a large diverse sample of children. This investigated the causes of of diet- and lifestyle-related diseases and disorders with a strong focus on overweight and obesity. It assessed the prevalence of overweight and obesity, related simultaneous conditions and major risk factors, according to a highly standardised protocol. IDEFICS analysed the complex interplay of factors acting at different levels to disentangle the causal pathways leading to obesity and other health outcomes.
    For more information see the page "The IDEFICS cohort"

  2. The development, implementation and evaluation of a community-oriented intervention programm for primary prevention of obesity in a controlled study design. This intervention part of the IDEFICS study examined feasibility, effectiveness and sustainability of a coherent set of intervention modules addressing diet, physical activity and coping with stress.


For more information see the page IDEFICS intervention.