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Publication rules of the IDEFICS and I.Family studies
The publication rules of the IDEFICS and I.Family studies shall express the intention that each participating researcher in both studies can contribute and has access to publications emergig from this study on an equal basis. View this document (English, Ver. May 2024) here.

EU White Book: Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity: A strategy for Europe
The White Book of the EU (2007) can be downloaded here.

Publishable final activity report
The publishable final activity report of the IDEFICS study was prepared on 27th May 2012. It presents an overview of the objectives of the IDEFICS study and summarises the work performed and final results. View this report here.

Publications of the IDEFICS study


  • Evans R, Didelez V. Parameterizing and simulating from causal models. J R Stat Soc. 2024;Series B: Statistical Methodology;86,3,535–568, Link
  • Floegel A, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, Molnár D, Lissner L, et al., on behalf of the IDEFICS & I.Family consortia. Transition of clinical biomarker status from childhood into adolescence – a prospective study in children from eight European countries. PLOS One. 2024 (forthcoming)
  • Foraita R, Witte J, Börnhorst C, Gwozdz W, Pala V, Lissner L, et al. A longitudinal causal graph analysis investigating modifiable risk factors and obesity in a European cohort of children and adolescents. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):6822. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56721-y
  • Goerdten J, Muli S, Rattner J, Merdas M, Achaintre A, Yuan L, et al. Identification and replication of urine metabolites associated with short-term and habitual intake of sweet and fatty snacks in European children and adolescents. J Nutr. 2024 (forthcoming)


  • Börnhorst C, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Hunsberger M, Molnár D, Moreno LA, et al., on behalf of the GrowH! Consortium. Age-specific quantification of overweight/obesity risk factors from infancy to adolescence and differences by educational level of parents. Int J Public Health. 2023 Nov 15;68:1605798. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Pigeot I, De Henauw S, Formisano A, Lissner L, Molnar D, et al., on behalf of the GrowH! consortium. The effects of hypothetical behavioral interventions on the 13-year incidence of overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2023. Link
  • Dello Russo M, Formisano A, Lauria F, Ahrens W, Bogl LH, Eiben G, et al. Dietary diversity and its association with diet quality and health status of European children, adolescents, and adults: Results from the I.Family Study. Foods 2023, 12, 4458. Link
  • Floegel A, Intemann T, Siani A, Moreno LA, Molnár D, Veidebaum T, et al.; IDEFICS/I.Family consortia. Cohort-based reference values for serum ferritin and transferrin and longitudinal determinants of iron status in European children aged 3 to 15 years. J Nutr. 2023 Dec 2:S0022-3166(23)72783-1. Link
  • Galmés S, Rupérez AI, Sánchez J, Moreno LA, Foraita R, Hebestreit A, et al. KLB and NOX4 expression levels as potential blood-based transcriptional biomarkers of physical activity in children. Sci Rep. 2023. Link
  • Lindblad A, Samkange-Zeeb F, De Henauw S, Solea A, Veidebaum T, Lauria F. et al. Cardiometabolic risk profile among children with migrant parents and role of parental education: IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. Int J Obes. 2023. Link
  • Mehlig K, Foraita R, Nagrani R, Wright M, De Henauw S, Molnár D, on behalf of the I.Family consortium. Genetic associations vary across the spectrum of fasting serum insulin: results from the European IDEFICS/I.Family children’s cohort. Diabetologia. 2023. Link
  • Nagrani R, Marron M, Bongaerts E, Nawrot TS, Ameloot M, de Hoogh K, et al. Association of urinary and ambient black carbon, and other ambient air pollutants with risk of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. Environmental Pollution. 2023;317:120773. Link
  • Ortega FB, Leskošek B, Blagus R, Gil-Cosano JJ, Mäestu J, Tomkinson GR, et al. European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network. Br J Sports Med. 2023:bjsports-2022-106176. Link
  • Schreuder A, Börnhorst C, Wolters M, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, Sina E, et al.; GrowH! Consortium. Population trajectories and age-dependent associations of obesity risk factors with body mass index from childhood to adolescence across European regions: A two-cohort study. Pediatr Obes. 2024 Feb;19(2):e13088. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.13088. Link
  • Sina E. Growing up in a digital environment: The role of digital media use in European children’s and adolescents’ health and health behaviours. Bremen: University of Bremen; 2023. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Wolters M, Marron M, Foraita R, Hadjigeorgiou C, De Henauw S, Eiben G, et al. Longitudinal associations between vitamin D status and cardiometabolic risk markers among children and adolescents. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Nov 17;108(12):e1731-e1742. Link


  • Breau B, Brandes M, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, Moreno L, Molnar D, et al. on behalf of the IDEFICS/I.Family consortia. Longitudinal association of childhood physical activity and physical fitness with physical activity in adolescence: insights from the IDEFICS/I.Family study. Int J Behav Nutr Phy. 2022. Forthcoming.
  • Foraita R, Witte J, Börnhorst C, Gwozdz W, Pala V, Lissner L, et al. A longitudinal causal graph analysis investigating modifiable risk factors and obesity in a European cohort of children and adolescents. medRxiv. 2022. Pre-print available online.
  • Lauria F, Iacomino G, Russo P, Venezia A, Marena P, Ahrens W, et al. Circulating miRNAs are associated with inflammation biomarkers in children with overweight and obesity: Results of the I.Family Study. Genes. 2022. Link.
  • Jilani H, Intemann T, Buchecker K, Charalambos H, Gianfagna F, De Henauw S, et al. Correlates of bitter, sweet, salty and umami taste sensitivity in European children: Role of sex, age and weight status - The IDEFICS study. Appetite. 2022;175:106088. Link.
  • Stahlmann K, Lissner L, Bogl LH, Mehlig K, Kaprio J, Klosowska J, et al. on behalf of the I.Family consortium. Family structure in relation to BMI and metabolic score in European children and adolescents. Pediatric Obesity. 2022. Link.


  • González-Gil EM, Luis A. Moreno LA, Nappo A, Santabarbara J, Wolters M, Russo P et al.,  on behalf the IDEFICS consortium. Impaired metabolic health over-time and high abdominal fat are prospectively associated with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in children: The IDEFICS study. Pediatric Obesity. 2021. Link
  • González-Gil EM, Santaliestra-Pasías AM, Buck C, Gracia-Marco L, Lauria F, Pala V et al., on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Improving cardiorespiratory fitness protects against inflammation in children: the IDEFICS study. Pediatric Research. 2021. Link
  • Guzman V, Lissner L, Arvidsson L, Hebestreit A, Solea A, Lauria F et al. Associations of sleep duration and screen time with incidence of overweight in European children: the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. Obesity Facts. 2021. Link
  • Hüls A, Wright MN, Bogl LH, Kaprio J, Lissner L, Molnár D et al. Polygenic risk for obesity and its interaction with lifestyle and sociodemographic factors in European children and adolescents. Int J of Obesity. 2021. Link
  • Masip G, Foraita R, Silventoinen K, Adan RAH, Ahrens W, De Henauw S et al. on behalf of the IDEFICS/I.Family Consortia. The temporal relationship between parental concern of overeating and childhood obesity considering genetic susceptibility: longitudinal results from the IDEFICS/I.Family Study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2021. Link
  • Nagrani R, Foraita R, Wolters M, Russo P, Veidebaum T, et al., on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Longitudinal association of inflammatory markers with markers of glycemia and insulin resistance in European children. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. 2021. Link
  • Santaliestra-Pasías A, Moreno LA, Gracia-Marco L, Buck C, Ahrens W, De Henauw S et al., on behalf the IDEFICS consortium. Prospective fitness and probability of cardiometabolic risk in children according to body fat and lifestyle behaviours: the IDEFICS study. Pediatric Obesity. 2021. Link
  • Sina E, Buck C, Veidebaum T, Siani A, Reisch LA, Pohlabeln H et al. Media use trajectories and risk of metabolic syndrome in European children and adolescents: the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort.  Int J Beha Nutr Phys Act. 2021. Link
  • Sina E, Buck C, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Jilani H, Lissner L et al. on behalf of the I.Family consortia. Digital media use in association with sensory taste preferences in European children and adolescents- results from the I.Family study. Foods. 2021. Link
  • Sprengeler O, Pohlabeln H, Bammann K, Buck C, Lauria F, Verbestel V et al.Trajectories of objectively measured physical activity and childhood overweight: longitudinal analysis of the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. Int J Beha Nutr Phys Act. 2021. Link
  • Tamm A, Tulviste T, Börnhorst C, Konstabel K. Child temperament predicts maternal socialization values. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 2021. Link
  • Thumann B, Buck C, De Henauw S, Hadjigeorgiou C, Hebestreit A, Lauria F et al. Cross-sectional associations between objectively measured sleep characteristics and body mass index in European children and adolescents. Sleep Medicine. 2021. Link
  • Wolters M, Intemann T, Russo P, Moreno LA, Molnár D, Veidebaum T et al. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D reference percentiles and the role of their determinants among European children and adolescents. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2021. Link


  • Bogl LH, Mehlig K, Ahrens W, Gwozdz W, de Henauw S, Molnar D, et al. (on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family Consortia). Like me, like you - relative importance of sibling and peer behavior on children's lifestyle depends on age. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2020; 17(50). Link
  • Börnhorst C, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, Molnár D, Lissner L, et al. The role of lifestyle and non-modifiable risk factors in the development of metabolic disturbances from childhood to adolescence. International Journal of Obesity. 2020; 44, 2236–2245. Link
  • Cheng L, Pohlabeln H, Ahrens W, Lauria F, Veidebaum T, Chadjigeorgiou C, et al. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between physical activity, sedentary behaviour and bone stiffness index across weight status in European children and adolescents. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2020 Apr 28;17(1):54. Link
  • Cheng L, Pohlabeln, H, Ahrens W, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Chadjigeorgiou C, et al., on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between sleep duration, sleep quality and bone stiffness in European children and adolescents. Osteoporosis International. 2020; 32, 853–863. Link
  • Graffe MIM, Pala V, De Henauw S, Eiben G, Hadjigeorgiou C, Iacoviello L, et al. Dietary sources of free sugars in the diet of European children: The IDEFICS study. European Journal of Nutrition. 2020; 59(3):979-989. Link
  • Iglesia I, Intemann T, de Miguel-Etayo P, Pala V, Hebestreit A, Wolters M, et al., on behalf of the IDEFICS/I.Family Cohort. Dairy Consumption at Snack Meal Occasion and the Overall Quality of Diet During Childhood. Prospective and Cross-Sectional Analyses from the IDEFICS/I.Family Cohort. Nutrients. 2020. Link
  • Marth S, Börnhorst C, Mehlig K, Russo P, Moreno LA, De Henauw S, et al. Associations of whole blood polyunsaturated fatty acids and insulin resistance among European children and adolescents. Eur J Pediatr. 2020 Apr 8. Link
  • Mehlig K, Holmberg C, Bogl LH, Erhardt E, Hadjigeorgiou C, Hebestreit A, et al. Weight status and BMI-related traits in adolescent friendship groups and role of sociodemographic factors - The European IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. Obesity Facts. 2020. Link
  • Nagrani R, Foraita R, Gianfagna F, Iacoviello L, Marild S, Michels N, et al. Common genetic variation in obesity, lipid transfer genes and risk of metabolic syndrome: Results from IDEFICS/I.Family study and meta-analysis. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 28;10(1):7189. Link
  • Steene-Johannessen, J., Hansen, B.H., Dalene, K.E., Kolle, E., Northstone, K., Moler, N.C. et al. Variations in accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time across Europe – harmonized analyses of 47,497 children and adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. (2020).  Link 
  • Thumann B, Börnhorst C, Ahrens W, Arvidsson L, Gwozdz W, Iguacel I, et al. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between psychosocial well-being and cardio-metabolic markers in European children and adolescents. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2020. Link
  • Thumann B, Michels N, Felsö R, Hunsberger M, Kaprio J, Moreno LA, et al., on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Associations between sleep duration and insulin resistance in European children and adolescents considering the mediating role of abdominal obesity. PLOS ONE. 2020; 15(6):e0235049. Link
  • Tognon G.  Mediterranean diet, cardiovascular health and longevity: Strategies to improve the assessment and interpretation of this dietary pattern in nutritional epidemiology. Gothenburg: University of Gotheburg; 2020. (PhD Thesis) Link


  • Ahrens W, Bammann K, Pigeot I, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. The  IDEFICS/I.Family studies: design and methods of a large European child cohort. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:1-24. Link
  • Ahrens W, Lauria F, Formisano A, Moreno LA, Pigeot I, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Pre- and postnatal factors obtained from health records. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature  Switzerland; 2019:175-188. Link
  • Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W. Preface (instruments book). Springer; 2019. Link
  • Bammann K, Peplies J, Mårild S, Molnár D, Suling M, Siani A, on  behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Physical examinations. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:47-55. Link
  • Bammann K, Reisch LA, Pohlabeln H, Williams G, Wolters M, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Core questionnaires. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:189-207. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Russo P, Veidembaum T, Tornaritis M, Molnar D, Lissner L, et al. Metabolic status in children and its transition during childhood and adolescence - The IDEFICS/I.Family study. Int J Epidemiol. 2019. Link
  • Brandes M, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Suling M, Pitsiladis Y, Bammann K, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Physical fitness. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:277-289. Link
  • Buck C, Eiben G, Lauria F, Konstabel K, Page A, Ahrens W, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Urban Moveability and physical activity in children: longitudinal results from the IDEFICS and I.Family cohort. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2019;16(1). Link
  • Cheng L, Pohlabeln H, Ahrens W, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Chadjigeorgiou C, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family Consortia. Sex differences in the longitudinal associations between body composition and bone stiffness index in European children and adolescents. Bone.2019. Link
  • Coumans J, Danner U, Charalambos H, Hebestreit A, Hunsberger M, Intemann T et al. Emotion-driven impulsiveness but not decision-making ability and cognitive inflexibility predicts weight status in adults. Apetite. 2019. Link
  • De Bourdeaudhuij I, Verbestel V, Maes L, Nappo A, Chadjigeorgiou C, Molnár D, et al., on  behalf of the IDEFICS consortium. Process evaluation of the IDEFICS intervention. In:  Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:231-255. Link
  • Elida S, Buck C, Jilani H, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Russo P, et al. Association of Infant Feeding Patterns with Taste Preferences in European Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Latent Profile Analysis. Nutrients. 2019. Link
  • Fridolfsson J, Börjesson M, Buck C, Ekblom Ö, Ekblom-Bak E, Hunsberger M et al. Effects of Frequency Filtering on Intensity and Noise in Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity Measurements. Sensors. 2019. Link
  • Grippi C, Ahrens W, Buchecker K, Chadjigeorgiou C, de Henauw S, Koni AC, et al. Association between variants of neuromedin U gene and taste thresholds and food preferences in European children: Results from the IDEFICS study. Appetite. 2019. Link
  • Gwozdz W, Reisch LA, on  behalf of the IDEFICS consortium. Instruments for assessing the role of commercials on children’s food choices. In: Bammann K,  Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:209-230. Link
  • Hebestreit A, Wolters M, Jilani H, Eiben G, Pala V, on  behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Web-based 24-hour dietary recall: the SACANA program. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:77-102. Link
  • Jilani H. Placing sensory science in health Research: Correlates of sensory taste perception & preferences, healthy eating and health outcomes in European Children. Bremen: University of Bremen; 2019. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Jilani H, Peplies J, Buchecker K, on behalf of the IDEFICS an I.Family consortia. Assessment of sensory taste perception in children. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:257-275. Link
  • Jilani H, Pohlabeln H, de Henauw S, Hunsberger M, Eiben G, Molnar D, et al. Relative validity of a food and beverage preference questionnaire to characterise taste phenotypes in children and adults. Nutrients. 2019. Link
  • Konstabel K, Chopra S, Ojiambo R, Muñiz-Pardos B, Pitsiladis Y, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Accelero­metry-based physical activity assessment for children and adolescents. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents.  Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:135-173. Link
  • Nappo A, Sparano S, Intemann T, Kourides YA, Lissner L, Molnar D, et al. Dietary calcium intake and adiposity in children and adolescents: cross-sectional and longitudinal results from IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases; 2019. Link
  • Pala V, Reisch LA, Lissner L, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Dietary behaviour in children, adolescents and families: the Eating Habits Questionnaire (EHQ). In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:103-133. Link
  • Peplies J, Günther K, Gottlieb A, Luebke A, Bammann K, Ahrens W, on behalf of  the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Biological samples – standard operating procedures for collection, shipment, storage and documentation. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer Nature  Switzerland; 2019:57-76. Link
  • Rampelli S, Günther K, Turroni S, Wolters M, Veidebaum T, Kourides Y, et al. Pre-obese children's dysbiotic gut microbiome and unhealthy diets may predict the development of obesity. Communications Biology; 2019. Link
  • Reineke A, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, Rach S, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. MODYS – a modular control and documentation system for epidemiological studies. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham:  Springer Nature Switzerland; 2019:25-45. Link
  • Santaliestra-Pasías AM, González-Gil EM, Pala V, Intemann T, Hebestreit A, Russo P et al. Predictive associations between lifestyle behaviours and dairy consumption: the IDEFICS study. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease Journal. 2019. Link
  • Sparano S, Lauria F, Ahrens W, Fraterman A, Thumann B, Iacoviello L, et al. Sleep duration and blood pressure in children: Analysis of the pan-European IDEFICS cohort. JCH. 2019. Link
  • Thumann B, Börnhorst C, Michels N, Veidebaum T, Solea A, Reisch L, et al. The cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of psychosocial well-being with sleep duration and sleep quality in European children. Journal of Sleep Research. 2019. Link
  • van Meer F, van der Laan LN, Eiben G, Lissner L, Wolters M, Rach S et al. Development and body mass inversely affect children’s brain activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during food choice. NeuroImage, Volume 201, 2019, 116016.  Link
  • van Meer F, van der Laan LN, Charbonnier L, Viergever MA, Adan RA, Smeets PA, et al. Developmental differences in the brain response to unhealthy food cues: an fMRI study of children and adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;104(6):1515-22. Link


  • Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Heidelberg: Springer Publisher: 2018. Link
  • Bogl LH, Wolters M, Börnhorst C, Intemann T, Reisch LA, Ahrens W, Hebestreit A. Dietary habits and obesity in European children. Results from the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort/ Ernährungsgewohnheiten und Adipositas bei europäischen Kindern. Ernährungsumschau international. 2018. Link
  • Bramsved R, Regber S, Novak D, Mehlig K, Lissner L, Mårild S. Parental education and family income affect birthweight, early longitudinal growth and body mass index development differently. Acta Paediatr. 2018. Link
  • Dello Russo M, Ahrens W, de Henauw S, Eiben G, Hebestreit A, Kourides Y, et al. The impact of adding sugars to milk and fruit on adiposity and diet quality in children: a cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-included health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) study. Nutrients. 2018. Link
  • Demetriou Y, Hebestreit A, Reimers AK, Schlund A, Niessner C, Schmidt S et al. Results from Germany's 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. J Phys Act Health. 2018. Link
  • Iguacel I, Fernández Alvira JM, Ahrens W, Bamman K, Gwozdz W, Lissner L, et al. Prospective associations between social vulnerabilities and children's weight status. Results from the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes. 2018. Link
  • Iguacel I, Michels N, Ahrens W, Bammann K, Eiben G, Fernández Alvira JM, et al. Prospective associations between socioeconomically disadvantaged groups and metabolic syndrome risk in European children. Results from the IDEFICS study. International Journal of Cardiology. 2018. Link
  • Jilani H, Pohlabeln H, Buchecker K, Gwozdz W, de Henauw S, Eiben G, et al. Association between parental consumer attitudes with their children's sensory taste preferences as well as their food choice. PLOS One. 2018. Link
  • Langeheine M, Pohlabeln H, Lauria F, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, Molnar D, et al. Attrition in the European Child Cohort IDEFICS/I.Family: Exploring Associations Between Attrition and Body Mass Index. Frontiers in Pediatrics, section Children and Health. 2018. Link
  • Mehlig K, Bogl LH, Hunsberger M, Ahrens W, de Henauw S, Iguacel I, Jilani H, et al. Children's propensity to consume sugar an fat predicts regulat alcohol consuptions in adolescence. Public Health Nutrition. 2018. Link
  • Michels N, Mattys D, Thumann B, Marlid S, de Henauw S. Children's stress-related reports and stress biomarkers interact in their association with metabolic syndrome risk. Stress & Health. 2018. Link
  • Papoutsou S, Savva SC, Hunsberger M, Jilani H, Michels N, Ahrens W, et al. Timing of solid food introduction and association with later childhood overweight and obesity: The IDEFICS study. Matern Child Nutr. 2018;14(1). Link
  • Rampelli S, Günther K, Turroni S, Wolters M, Veidebaum T, Kourides Y, et al. Pre-obese children’s dysbiotic gut microbiome and unhealthy diets may predict the development of obesity. Communications Biology. 2018. Link
  • Santaliestra-Pasias AM, Dios JEL, Sprengeler O, Hebestreit A, De Henauw S, Eiben G, et al. Food and beverage intakes according to physical activity levels in European children: the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of Dietary and lifestyle induced health EFfects In Children and infantS) study. Public Health Nutr. 2018:1-9. Link
  • Wolters M, Joslowski G, Plachta-Danielzik S, Standl M, Müller MJ, Ahrens W, Buyken AE. Dietary patterns in primary school are ofprospective relevance for the development of body composition in two German pediatric populations. Nutriens. 2018. Link


  • Arvidsson, L. Diets of European children, with focus on BMI, well-being, and families - The IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg; 2017. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Bammann K, Gwozdz W, Pischke C, Eiben G, Fernandez-Alvira JM, De Henauw S, et al. The impact of familial, behavioural and psychosocial factors on the SES gradient for childhood overweight in Europe. A longitudinal study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017;41(1):54-60. Link
  • Bogl LH, Silventoinen K, Hebestreit A, Intemann T, Williams G, Michels N, et al. Familial Resemblance in Dietary Intakes of Children, Adolescents, and Parents: Does Dietary Quality Play a Role? Nutrients. 2017;9(8). Link
  • Bornhorst C, Siani A, Tornaritis M, Molnar D, Lissner L, Regber S, et al. Potential selection effects when estimating associations between the infancy peak or adiposity rebound and later body mass index in children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017;41(4):518-26. Link
  • Fernandez-Alvira JM, Bammann K, Eiben G, Hebestreit A, Kourides YA, Kovacs E, et al. Prospective associations between dietary patterns and body composition changes in European children: the IDEFICS study. Public Health Nutr. 2017;20(18):3257-65. Link
  • Gianfagna F, Grippi C, Ahrens W, Bailey ME, Bornhorst C, De Henauw S, et al. The role of neuromedin U in adiposity regulation. Haplotype analysis in European children from the IDEFICS Cohort. PLoSOne. 2017;12(2):e0172698. Link
  • Iguacel I, Fernández-Alvira JM, Bammann K, Chadjigeorgiou C, De Henauw S, Heidinger-Felső R, et al. Social vulnerability as a predictor of physical activity and screen time in European children. International Journal of Public Health. 2017. Link
  • Iguacel I, Michels N, Fernandez-Alvira JM, Bammann K, De Henauw S, Felso R, et al. Associations between social vulnerabilities and psychosocial problems in European children. Results from the IDEFICS study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2017;26(9):1105-17. Link
  • Intemann T, Hebestreit H, Reisch LA, Williams G, Lissner L, Williams M, Et al. Obesogenic diets in European children - from nutrients to upstream factors. J WHO regional office Europe. 2017;3(4): 663-76. Link
  • Laidra K, De Fruyt F, Konstabel K. Assessing childhood personality with the Estonian short version of the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC). Pers Individ Dif. 2017;112:31-6. Link
  • Langeheine M, Pohlabeln H, Ahrens W, Rach S, the IDEFICS consortium. Consequences of an Extended Recruitment on Participation in the Follow-Up of a Child Study: Results from the German IDEFICS Cohort. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2017;31(1):76-86. Link
  • Mikkelsen A, Galli C, Eiben G, Ahrens W, Iacoviello L, Molnar D, et al. Blood fatty acid composition in relation to allergy in children aged 2-9 years: results from the European IDEFICS study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2017;71(1):39-44. Link
  • Nappo A, Gonzalez-Gil EM, Ahrens W, Bammann K, Michels N, Moreno LA, et al. Analysis of the association of leptin and adiponectin concentrations with metabolic syndrome in children: Results from the IDEFICS study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2017;27(6):543-51. Link
  • Pohlabeln H, Rach S, De Henauw S, Eiben G, Gwozdz W, Hadjigeorgiou C, et al. Further evidence for the role of pregnancy-induced hypertension and other early life influences in the development of ADHD: results from the IDEFICS study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2017;26(8):957-67. Link
  • Reisch LA, Gwozdz W, Barba G, DeHenauw S, Lascorz N, Pigeot I. Corrigendum to “Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Food Advertising on Children’s Knowledge about and Preferences for Healthful Food”. J Obes. 2017;2017:2826763. Link
  • Sanchez J, Pico C, Ahrens W, Foraita R, Fraterman A, Moreno LA, et al. Transcriptome analysis in blood cells from children reveals potential early biomarkers of metabolic alterations. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017;41(10):1481-8. Link
  • Tõugu P, Suits K, Tulviste T. Developmental changes in children’s references to self and others in their recollections of past events: A longitudinal study. Eur J Dev Psychol. 2017:1-15. Link
  • Tõugu P, Tulviste T. Links between children's language comprehension and expressive vocabulary and their personality traits: A longitudinal investigation. Learning and Individual Differences. 2017;57:123-8. Link
  • Wolters M, Bornhorst C, Schwarz H, Rise P, Galli C, Moreno LA, et al. Association of desaturase activity and C-reactive protein in European children. Pediatr Res. 2017;81(1-1):27-32. Link
  • Wolters M, Dering C, Siani A, Russo P, Kaprio J, Rise P, et al. The role of a FADS1 polymorphism in the association of fatty acid blood levels, BMI and blood pressure in young children-Analyses based on path models. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0181485. Link


  • Ahrens W, Siani A, Adan R, De Henauw S, Eiben G, Gwozdz W, et al. Cohort Profile: The transition from childhood to adolescence in European children-how I.Family extends the IDEFICS cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2016:dyw317-dyw. Link
  • Ahrens W. Die Epidemiologie körperlicher Aktivität - welche Forschungslücken gilt es zu schließen? Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin. 2016;67(6):129-30. Link
  • Arvidsson L, Birkhed D, Hunsberger M, Lanfer A, Lissner L, Mehlig K, et al. BMI, eating habits and sleep in relation to salivary counts of mutans streptococci in children - the IDEFICS Sweden study. Public Health Nutr. 2016;19(6):1088-92. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Siani A, Russo P, Kourides Y, Sion I, Molnár D, et al. Early Life Factors and Inter-Country Heterogeneity in BMI Growth Trajectories of European Children: The IDEFICS Study. PLoSONE. 2016;11(2):e0149268. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Tilling K, Russo P, Kourides Y, Michels N, Molnar D, et al. Associations between early body mass index trajectories and later metabolic risk factors in European children: the IDEFICS study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2016;31(5):513-25. Link
  • Formisano A, Bammann K, Fraterman A, Hadjigeorgiou C, Herrmann D, Iacoviello L, et al. Efficacy of neck circumference to identify metabolic syndrome in 3-10 year-old European children: Results from IDEFICS study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2016;26(6):510-6. Link
  • Gonzalez-Gil EM, Santabarbara J, Russo P, Ahrens W, Claessens M, Lissner L, et al. Food intake and inflammation in European children: the IDEFICS study. Eur J Nutr. 2016;55(8):2459-68. Link
  • Gonzalez-Gil EM, Santabarbara J, Siani A, Ahrens W, Sioen I, Eiben G, et al. Whole-blood fatty acids and inflammation in European children: the IDEFICS Study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016;70(7):819-23. Link
  • Greve B, Pigeot I, Huybrechts I, Pala V, Bornhorst C. A comparison of heuristic and model-based clustering methods for dietary pattern analysis. Public Health Nutr. 2016;19(2):255-64. Link
  • Hebestreit A, Barba G, De Henauw S, Eiben G, Hadjigeorgiou C, Kovacs E, et al. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between energy intake and BMI z-score in European children. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2016;13(1):23. Link
  • Huang CY, Reisch LA, Gwozdz W, Molnar D, Konstabel K, Michels N, et al. Pester power and its consequences: do European children's food purchasing requests relate to diet and weight outcomes? Public Health Nutr. 2016;19(13):2393-403. Link
  • Hunsberger M, Lehtinen-Jacks S, Mehlig K, Gwozdz W, Russo P, Michels N, et al. Bidirectional associations between psychosocial well-being and body mass index in European children: longitudinal findings from the IDEFICS study. BMC Public Health. 2016;16:949. Link
  • Iguacel I, Fernandez-Alvira JM, Bammann K, De Clercq B, Eiben G, Gwozdz W, et al. Associations between social vulnerabilities and dietary patterns in European children: the Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS (IDEFICS) study. Br J Nutr. 2016;116(7):1288-97. Link
  • Intemann I, Pohlabeln H, Herrmann D, Ahrens W,Pigeot I. Analysis of large and complex data. Studies in classification, data analysis, and knowledge organization. Springer International Publishing; 2016. Estimating age- and height-specific percentile curves for children using GAMLSS in the IDEFICS study; p. 385-394. Link
  • Lauria F, Siani A, Picó C, Ahrens W, Bammann K, De Henauw S, et al. A common variant and the transcript levels of MC4R gene are associated with adiposity in children: The IDEFICS study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016;101(11):4229-36. Link
  • Peplies J. Quality management for the use of biological samples within the framework of the epidemiological multicentre study IDEFICS. Bremen: University of Bremen; 2016. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Peplies J, Bornhorst C, Gunther K, Fraterman A, Russo P, Veidebaum T, et al. Longitudinal associations of lifestyle factors and weight status with insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in preadolescent children: the large prospective cohort study IDEFICS. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2016;13(1):97. Link
  • Pigeot I, De Henauw S, Ahrens W. Die IDEFICS-Primärprävention als gutes Praxisbeispiel. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz. 2016;59(11):1385-93. Link
  • Tubic B, Magnusson P, Mårild S, Leu M, Schwetz V, Sioen I, et al. Different osteocalcin forms, markers of metabolic syndrome and anthropometric measures in children within the IDEFICS cohort. Bone. 2016;84:230-6. Link
  • Van den Bussche K, Herrmann D, De Henauw S, Kourides YA, Lauria F, Marild S, et al. Urinary Mineral Concentrations in European Pre-Adolescent Children and Their Association with Calcaneal Bone Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13(5). Link
  • Van Meer F, van der Laan LN, Charbonnier L, Viergever MA, Adan RA, Smeets PA. Developmental differences in the brain response to unhealthy food cues: an fMRI study of children and adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;104(6):1515-22. Link
  • Walter U & Pigeot I. Universelle Programme zur Primärprävention kindlichen Übergewichts: Ein Überblick. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2016;59(11):1372-1384. Link
  • Wirsik N. Statistical modeling of physical activity based on accelerometer data. Bremen: University of Bremen; 2016. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Wolters M, Pala V, Russo P, Risé P, Moreno L, De Henauw S, et al. Associations of whole blood n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with blood pressure in children and adolescents - results from the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. PloSOne. 2016;11(11):e0165981. Link
  • Zaqout M, Michels N, Ahrens W, Bornhorst C, Molnar D, Moreno LA, et al. Associations between exclusive breastfeeding and physical fitness during childhood. Eur J Nutr. 2016. Link
  • Zaqout M, Michels N, Bammann K, Ahrens W, Sprengeler O, Molnar D, et al. Influence of physical fitness on cardio-metabolic risk factors in European children. The IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2016;40(7):1119-25. Link
  • Zaqout M, Vyncke K, Moreno LA, De Miguel-Etayo P, Lauria F, Molnar D, et al. Determinant factors of physical fitness in European children. Int J Public Health. 2016;61(5):573-82. Link


  • Ahrens W, the IDEFICS consortium. Sensory taste preferences and taste sensitivity and the association of unhealthy food patterns with overweight and obesity in primary school children in Europe - A synthesis of data from the IDEFICS study. Flavour. 2015;4(8):1-9. Link
  • Ahrens W, Pigeot I. Risk factors of childhood obesity: Lessons from the European IDEFICS Study. Brussels: The ECOG Free Obesity eBook; 2015. Link
  • Ahrens W. Preface. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:1. Link
  • Arvidsson L, Bogl LH, Eiben G, Hebestreit A, Nagy P, Tornaritis M, et al. Fat, sugar and water intakes among families from the IDEFICS intervention and control groups: first observations from I.Family. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:127-37. Link
  • Baranowski T, Lytle L. Should the IDEFICS outcomes have been expected? Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:162-72. Link
  • Buck C. Geostatistical Modeling of Built Environment Characteristics of Urban Moveability. Bremen: University of Bremen; 2015. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Buck C, Kneib T, Tkaczick T, Konstabel K, Pigeot I. Assessing opportunities for physical activity in the built environment of children: interrelation between kernel density and neighborhood scale. Int J Health Geogr. 2015;14(1):35. Link
  • Buck C, Tkaczick T, Pitsiladis Y, De Bourdehaudhuij I, Reisch L, Ahrens W, et al. Objective measures of the built environment and physical activity in children: from walkability to moveability. J Urban Health. 2015;92(1):24-38. Link
  • De Bourdeaudhuij I, Verbestel V, De Henauw S, Maes L, Huybrechts I, Mårild S, et al. Behavioural effects of a community-oriented setting-based intervention for prevention of childhood obesity in eight European countries. Main results from the IDEFICS study. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:30-40. Link
  • De Bourdeaudhuij I, Verbestel V, De Henauw S, Maes L, Mårild S, Moreno LA, et al. Implementation of the IDEFICS intervention across European countries: perceptions of parents and relationship with BMI. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:78-88. Link
  • De Henauw S, Huybrechts I, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Bammann K, Barba G, Lissner L, et al. Effects of a community-oriented obesity prevention programme on indicators of body fatness in preschool and primary school children. Main results from the IDEFICS study. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:16-29. Link
  • de Moraes AC, Carvalho HB, Siani A, Barba G, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, et al. Incidence of high blood pressure in children - effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviors: the IDEFICS study: High blood pressure, lifestyle and children. Int J Cardiol. 2015;180:165-70. Link
  • Fernández-Alvira JM, Börnhorst C, Bammann K, Gwozdz W, Krogh V, Hebestreit A, et al. Prospective associations between socio-economic status and dietary patterns in European children: the Identification and Prevention of Dietary- and Lifestyle-induced Health Effects in Children and Infants (IDEFICS) Study. Br J Nutr. 2015;113(3):517-25. Link
  • Foraita R, Gunther F, Gwozdz W, Reisch LA, Russo P, Lauria F, et al. Does the FTO gene interact with the socioeconomic status on the obesity development among young European children? Results from the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015;39(1):1-6. Link
  • Gwozdz W, Sousa-Poza A, Reisch L, Bammann K, Eiben G, Kourides Y, et al. Peer effects on obesity in a sample of European children. Econ Hum Biol. 2015;18:139-52. Link
  • Herrman D. Bone Stiffness and its Association with Physical Activity Behaviour in Children: An Epidemiological Perspective. Bremen: University of Bremen; 2015. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Herrmann D, Buck C, Sioen I, Kouride Y, Marild S, Molnar D, et al. Impact of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and muscle strength on bone stiffness in 2-10-year-old children-cross-sectional results from the IDEFICS study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2015;12:112. Link
  • Herrmann D, Pohlabeln H, Gianfagna F, Konstabel K, Lissner L, Marild S, et al. Association between bone stiffness and nutritional biomarkers combined with weight-bearing exercise, physical activity, and sedentary time in preadolescent children. A case-control study. Bone. 2015;78:142-9. Link
  • Hunsberger M, Mehlig K, Bornhorst C, Hebestreit A, Moreno L, Veidebaum T, et al. Dietary Carbohydrate and Nocturnal Sleep Duration in Relation to Children's BMI: Findings from the IDEFICS Study in Eight European Countries. Nutrients. 2015;7(12):10223-36. Link
  • Kovacs E. Compliance with clustered lifestyle intervention targets and their contribution to obesity in the IDEFICS study. Pécs: University of Pécs; 2015. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Kovács E, Hunsberger M, Reisch L, Gwozdz W, Eiben G, De Bourdeaudhuij I, et al. Adherence to combined lifestyle factors and their contribution to obesity in the IDEFICS study. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:138-50. Link
  • Lissner L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Konstabel K, Mårild S, Mehlig K, Molnár D, Moreno LA, et al. Differential outcome of the IDEFICS intervention in overweight versus non-overweight children: did we achieve 'primary' or 'secondary' prevention? Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:119-26. Link
  • Mårild S, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, De Henauw S, De Bourdeaudhuij I, et al. Impact of a community based health-promotion programme in 2- to 9-year-old children in Europe on markers of the metabolic syndrome, the IDEFICS study. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:41-56. Link
  • Michels N, De Henauw S, Eiben G, Hadjigeorgiou C, Hense S, Hunsberger M, et al. Effect of the IDEFICS multilevel obesity prevention on children's sleep duration. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:68-77. Link
  • Nicholls SG, Pohlabeln H, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Chadjigeorgiou C, Gwozdz W, Hebestreit A, et al. Parents' evaluation of the IDEFICS intervention: an analysis focussing on socio-economic factors, child's weight status and intervention exposure. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:103-18. Link
  • Pigeot I, Baranowski T, De Henauw S. Acknowledgements. Obes Rev. 2015;16:173-4. Link
  • Pigeot I, Baranowski T, De Henauw S; the IDEFICS Intervention Study Group; the IDEFICS consortium. The IDEFICS intervention trial to prevent childhood obesity: design and study methods. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:4-15. Link
  • Priego T, Sánchez J, Picó C, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Kourides Y, et al. TAS1R3 and UCN2 Transcript Levels in Blood Cells Are Associated With Sugary and Fatty Food Consumption in Children. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015;100(9):3556-64. Link
  • Santaliestra-Pasi­as AM, Mouratidou T, Reisch L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, Mårild S, et al. Clustering of lifestyle behaviours and relation to body composition in European children. The IDEFICS study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2015;69(7):811-6. Link
  • Verbestel V, De Henauw S, Bammann K, Barba G, Hadjigeorgiou C, Eiben G, et al. Are context-specific measures of parental-reported physical activity and sedentary behaviour associated with accelerometer data in 2-9-year-old European children? Public Health Nutr. 2015;18(5):860-8. Link
  • Verbestel V, De Henauw S, Barba G, Eiben G, Gallois K, Hadjigeorgiou C, et al. Effectiveness of the IDEFICS intervention on objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in European children. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:57-67. Link
  • Verloigne M, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Verbestel V, Mårild S, Pigeot I, et al. Process evaluation of the IDEFICS school intervention: putting the evaluation of the effect on children's objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in context. Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:89-102. Link
  • Weimann H, Bjork J, Rylander L, Bergman P, Eiben G. Neighborhood environment and physical activity among young children: a cross-sectional study from Sweden. Scand J Public Health. 2015;43(3):283-93. Link
  • Williams G. The IDEFICS intervention: what can we learn for public policy? Obes Rev. 2015;16 Suppl 2:151-61. Link
  • Wolters M, Schlenz H, Börnhorst C, Risé P, Galli C, Moreno LA, et al. Desaturase activity is associated with weight status and metabolic risk markers in young children. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015;100(10):3760-9. Link


  • Ahrens W, Moreno LA, Mårild S, Molnár D, Siani A, De Henauw S, et al. Metabolic syndrome in young children: definitions and results of the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S4-14. Link
  • Ahrens W, Moreno LA, Pigeot I. Filling the gap: international reference values for health care in children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S2-3. Link
  • Ahrens W, Pigeot I, Pohlabeln H, De Henauw S, Lissner L, Molnár D, et al. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in European children below the age of 10. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S99-107. Link
  • Bammann K, Peplies J, De Henauw S, Hunsberger M, Molnar D, Moreno LA, et al. Early life course risk factors for childhood obesity: the IDEFICS case-control study. PLoSOne. 2014;9(2):e86914. Link
  • Barba G, Buck C, Bammann K, Hadjigeorgiou C, Hebestreit A, Mårild S, et al. Blood pressure reference values for European non-overweight school children: the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S48-56. Link
  • Bel-Serrat S, Mouratidou T, Pala V, Huybrechts I, Bornhorst C, Fernandez-Alvira JM, et al. Relative validity of the Children's Eating Habits Questionnaire-food frequency section among young European children: the IDEFICS Study. Public Health Nutr. 2014;17(2):266-76. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Bel-Serrat S, Pigeot I, Huybrechts I, Ottavaere C, Sioen I, et al. Validity of 24-h recalls in (pre-)school aged children: comparison of proxy-reported energy intakes with measured energy expenditure. Clin Nutr. 2014;33(1):79-84. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Huybrechts I, Hebestreit A, Krogh V, De Decker A, Barba G, et al. Usual energy and macronutrient intakes in 2-9-year-old European children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S115-23. Link
  • De Henauw S, Michels N, Vyncke K, Hebestreit A, Russo P, Intemann T, et al. Blood lipids among young children in Europe: results from the European IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S67-75. Link
  • De Miguel-Etayo P, Gracia-Marco L, Ortega FB, Intemann T, Foraita R, Lissner L, et al. Physical fitness reference standards in European children: the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S57-66. Link
  • Erhardt E, Foraita R, Pigeot I, Barba G, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, et al. Reference values for leptin and adiponectin in children below the age of 10 based on the IDEFICS cohort. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S32-8. Link
  • Fernández-Alvira JM, Bammann K, Pala V, Krogh V, Barba G, Eiben G, et al. Country-specific dietary patterns and associations with socioeconomic status in European children: the IDEFICS study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014:68(7):811-21. Link
  • Formisano A, Hunsberger M, Bammann K, Vanaelst B, Molnar D, Moreno LA, et al. Family structure and childhood obesity: results of the IDEFICS Project. Public Health Nutr. 2014;17(10):2307-15. Link
  • Hebestreit A, Börnhorst C, Barba G, Siani A, Huybrechts I, Tognon G, et al. Associations between energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and BMI z-score in 2-9-year-old European children. Eur J Nutr. 2014;53(2):673-81. Link. Epub 2013 Sep 6. Erratum in: Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5);1297-8.
  • Hebestreit A, Bornhorst C, Barba G, Siani A, Huybrechts I, Tognon G, et al. Associations between energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and BMI z-score in 2-9-year-old European children. Eur J Nutr. 2014;53(2):673-81. Link
  • Hebestreit A, Börnhorst C, Pala V, Barba G, Eiben G, Veidebaum T, et al. Dietary energy density in young children across Europe. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S124-34. Link
  • Herrmann D, Intemann T, Lauria F, Mårild S, Molnár D, Moreno LA, et al. Reference values of bone stiffness index and C-terminal telopeptide in healthy European children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S76-85. Link
  • Hinkley T, Verbestel V, Ahrens W, Lissner L, Molnar D, Moreno LA, et al. Early childhood electronic media use as a predictor of poorer well-being: a prospective cohort study. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(5):485-92. Link
  • Hunsberger M; the IDEFICS consortium. Early feeding practices and family structure: associations with overweight in children. Proc Nutr Soc. 2014;73(1):132-6. Link
  • Konstabel K, Veidebaum T, Verbestel V, Moreno LA, Bammann K, Tornaritis M, et al. Objectively measured physical activity in European children: the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S135-43. Link
  • Kovács E, Siani A, Konstabel K, Hadjigeorgiou C, de Bourdeaudhuij I, Eiben G, et al. Adherence to the obesity-related lifestyle intervention targets in the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S144-51. Link
  • Michels N, Verbeiren A, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Sioen I. Children's sleep quality: relation with sleep duration and adiposity. Public Health. 2014;128(5):488-90. Link
  • Nagy P, Kovacs E, Moreno LA, Veidebaum T, Tornaritis M, Kourides Y, et al. Percentile reference values for anthropometric body composition indices in European children from the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S15-25.Link
  • Olafsdottir S, Eiben G, Prell H, Hense S, Lissner L, Marild S, et al. Young children's screen habits are associated with consumption of sweetened beverages independently of parental norms. Int J Public Health. 2014;59(1):67-75 Link
  • Papoutsou S, Briassoulis G, Hadjigeorgiou C, Savva SC, Solea T, Hebestreit A, et al. The combination of daily breakfast consumption and optimal breakfast choices in childhood is an important public health message. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014;65(3):273-9. Link
  • Papoutsou S, Briassoulis G, Wolters M, Peplies J, Iacoviello L, Eiben G, et al. No breakfast at home: association with cardiovascular disease risk factors in childhood. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014;68(7):829-34. Link
  • Peplies J, Jiménez-Pavón D, Savva SC, Buck C, Günther K, Fraterman A, et al. Percentiles of fasting serum insulin, glucose, HbA1c and HOMA-IR in pre-pubertal normal weight European children from the IDEFICS cohort. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S39-47. Link
  • Priego T, Sanchez J, Pico C, Ahrens W, Bammann K, De Henauw S, et al. Influence of breastfeeding on blood-cell transcript-based biomarkers of health in children. Pediatr Obes. 2014;9(6):463-70. Link
  • Regber S. Barriers and facilitators of health promotion and obesity prevention in early childhood: A focus on parents results from the IDEFICS study. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg: Sahlgrenska Academy; 2014. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Santaliestra-Pasias AM, Mouratidou T, Verbestel V, Bammann K, Molnar D, Sieri S, et al. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in European children: the IDEFICS study. Public Health Nutr. 2014;17(10):2295-306. Link
  • Schlenz H, Intemann T, Wolters M, González-Gil EM, Nappo A, Fraterman A, et al. C-reactive protein reference percentiles among pre-adolescent children in Europe based on the IDEFICS study population. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S26-31. Link
  • Svensson A, Larsson C, Eiben G, Lanfer A, Pala V, Hebestreit A, et al. European children's sugar intake on weekdays versus weekends: the IDEFICS study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014;68(7):822-8. Link
  • Tognon G, Hebestreit A, Lanfer A, Moreno LA, Pala V, Siani A, et al. Mediterranean diet, overweight and body composition in children from eight European countries: cross-sectional and prospective results from the IDEFICS study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2014;24(2):205-13. Link
  • Tognon G, Moreno LA, Mouratidou T, Veidebaum T, Molnár D, Russo P, et al. Adherence to a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern in children from eight European countries. The IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S108-14. Link
  • Vanaelst B, Michels N, Clays E, Herrmann D, Huybrechts I, Sioen I, et al. The association between childhood stress and body composition, and the role of stress-related lifestyle factors--cross-sectional findings from the baseline ChiBSD survey. Int J Behav Med. 2014;21(2):292-301. Link
  • Verbestel V. Development and evaluation of evidence-based interventions to change young children’s energy balance-related behaviours. Ghent: Ghent University; 2014. (PhD Thesis)
  • Voigt K, Nicholls SG, Williams G. Childhood Obesity: Ethical and Policy Issues. Oxford Scholarship Online: Oxford University Press; 2014 (book) Link
  • Wiberger M, Eiben G, Lissner L, Mehlig K, Papoutsou S, Hunsberger M. Children consuming milk cereal drink are at increased risk for overweight: The IDEFICS Sweden study, on behalf of the IDEFICS Consortium. Scand J Public Health. 2014;42(6):518-24. Link
  • Wolters M, Schlenz H, Foraita R, Galli C, Risé P, Moreno LA, et al. Reference values of whole-blood fatty acids by age and sex from European children aged 3-8 years. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014;38 Suppl 2:S86-98. Link


  • Ahrens W, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Regber S. Opinion: Population studies need to be transparent.  Researchers comment. Published on ScienceNordic. 2013 Jul 11. Link
  • Bammann K, Gwozdz W, Lanfer A, Barba G, De Henauw S, Eiben G, et al. Socioeconomic factors and childhood overweight in Europe: results from the multi-centre IDEFICS study. Pediatr Obes. 2013;8(1):1-12. Link
  • Bammann K, Huybrechts I, Vicente-Rodriguez G, Easton C, De Vriendt T, Mårild S, et al. Validation of anthropometry and foot-to-foot bioelectrical resistance against a three-component model to assess total body fat in children: The IDEFICS study. International Journal of Obesity . 2013;37(4):520-526. Link
  • Bel-Serrat S, Mouratidou T, Börnhorst C, Peplies J, De Henauw S, Marild S, et al. Food consumption and cardiovascular risk factors in European children: the IDEFICS study. Pediatr Obes. 2013 Jun;8(3):225-36. Link
  • Bel-Serrat S, Mouratidou T, Santaliestra-Pasías AM, Iacoviello L, Kourides YA, Marild S, et al. Clustering of multiple lifestyle behaviours and its association to cardiovascular risk factors in children: the IDEFICS study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013;67(8): 848-54. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Huybrechts I, Hebestreit A, Vanaelst B, Molnár D, Bel-Serrat S, et al. Diet-obesity associations in children: approaches to counteract attenuation caused by misreporting. Public Health Nutr. 2013;16(2):256-66. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Hense S, Bayer O, Ahrens W. Rebuttal letter: re. Börnhorst et al. Eur. J. Pediatr. 171: 1029-38 (2012). Eur J Pediatr. 2013;172(4):573-4. Link
  • Buck C, Börnhorst C, Pohlabeln H, Huybrechts I, Pala V, Reisch L, et al. Clustering of unhealthy food around German schools and its influence on dietary behavior in school children: a pilot study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2013;10(1):65. Link
  • Cugino D, Gianfagna F, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Koni AC, Marild S, et al. Polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinase gene and adiposity indices in European children: results of the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013;37(12):1539-44. Link
  • Dello Russo M, Ahrens W, De Vriendt T, Marild S, Molnar D, Moreno LA, et al. Gestational weight gain and adiposity, fat distribution, metabolic profile, and blood pressure in offspring: the IDEFICS project. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013;37(7):914-9. Link
  • Donatiello E, Dello Russo M, Formisano A, Lauria F, Nappo A, Reineke A, et al. Physical activity, adiposity and urbanization level in children: results for the Italian cohort of the IDEFICS study. Public Health. 2013;127(8):761-5. Link
  • Fernández-Alvira JM, Mouratidou T, Bammann K, Hebestreit A, Barba G, Sieri S, et al. Parental education and frequency of food consumption in European children: the IDEFICS study. Public Health Nutr. 2013;16(3):487-98. Link
  • Gianfagna F, Cugino D, Ahrens W, Bailey ME, Bammann K, Herrmann D, et al. Understanding the links among neuromedin U gene, beta2-adrenoceptor gene and bone health: an observational study in European children. PLoSOne. 2013;8(8):e70632. Link
  • Gwozdz W, Sousa-Poza A, Reisch LA, Ahrens W, Eiben G, M Fernandéz-Alvira J, et al. Maternal employment and childhood obesity - A European perspective. J Health Econ. 2013;32(4):728-42. Link
  • Hense S, Pohlabeln H, Michels N, Marild S, Lissner L, Kovacs E, et al. Determinants of Attrition to Follow-Up in a Multicentre Cohort Study in Children-Results from the IDEFICS Study. Epidemiology Research International. Volume 2013, Article ID 936365. Link
  • Hunsberger M, Pena P, Lissner L, Grafström L, Vanaelst B, Börnhorst C, et al. Validity of self-reported lunch recalls in Swedish school children aged 6-8 years. Nutr J. 2013;12(1):129. Link
  • Hunsberger M, Lanfer A, Reeske A, Veidebaum T, Russo P, Hadjigeorgiou C, et al. Infant feeding practices and prevalence of obesity in eight European countries - the IDEFICS study. Public Health Nutr. 2013;16(2):219-27. Link
  • Jiménez-Pavón D, Konstabel K, Bergman P, Ahrens W, Pohlabeln H, Hadjigeorgiou C, et al. Physical activity and clustered cardiovascular disease risk factors in young children: a cross-sectional study (the IDEFICS study). BMC Med. 2013;11:172. Link Note: This article won the BioMed Central Research Award 2013 in the category "Public Health and Health Services Research":
  • Johansson B, Ossiansson E, Dreas J, Mårild S. Proper Food and a Tight Budget: German and Swedish Parents Reflecting on Children, Food and Health. Food Cult Soc. 2013;16(3):457-77.
  • Lanfer A, Bammann K, Knof K, Buchecker K, Russo P, Veidebaum T, et al. Predictors and correlates of taste preferences in European children: The IDEFICS study. Food Qual Prefer. 2013;27(2):128-36. Link
  • Michels N, Huybrechts I, Bammann K, Lissner L, Moreno L, Peeters M, et al. Caucasian children's fat mass: routine anthropometry v. air-displacement plethysmography. Br J Nutr. 2013;109(8):1528-37. Link
  • Michels N, Clays E, De Buyzere M, Huybrechts I, Marild S, Vanaelst B, et al. Determinants and reference values of short-term heart rate variability in children. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(6):1477-88. Link
  • Michels N, Sioen I, Braet C, Huybrechts I, Vanaelst B, Wolters M, et al. Relation between salivary cortisol as stress biomarker and dietary pattern in children. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013;38(9):1512-20. Link
  • Michels N, Sioen I, Clays E, De Buyzere M, Ahrens W, Huybrechts I, Vanaelst B, De Henauw S. Children's heart rate variability as stress indicator: association with reported stress and cortisol. Biol Psychol. 2013;94(2):433-40. Link
  • Michels N, Clays E, De Buyzere M, Vanaelst B, De Henauw S, Sioen I. Children's sleep and autonomic function: low sleep quality has an impact on heart rate variability. Sleep. 2013;36(12):1939-46. Link
  • Nappo A, Iacoviello L, Fraterman A, Gonzalez-Gil EM, Hadjigeorgiou C, Marild S, et al. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein is a predictive factor of adiposity in children: Results of the identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infantS (IDEFICS) study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013;2(3):e000101. Link
  • Nicholls SG. Standards and classification: a perspective on the 'obesity epidemic'. Soc Sci Med. 2013;87:9-15. Link
  • Pala V, Lissner L, Hebestreit A, Lanfer A, Sieri S, Siani A, et al. Dietary patterns and longitudinal change in body mass in European children: a follow-up study on the IDEFICS multicenter cohort. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013;67(10):1042-9. Link
  • Reeske A, Spallek J, Bammann K, Eiben G, De Henauw S, Kourides Y, et al. Migrant background and weight gain in early infancy: results from the German study sample of the IDEFICS study. PLoSOne. 2013;8(4):e60648. Link
  • Regber S, Novak M, Eiben G, Bammann K, De Henauw S, Fernandez-Alvira JM, et al. Parental perceptions of and concerns about child's body weight in eight European countries--the IDEFICS study. Pediatr Obes. 2013;8(2):118-29. Link
  • Regber S, Novak M, Eiben G, Lissner L, Hense S, Sandström TZ, et al. Assessment of selection bias in a health survey of children and families - the IDEFICS Sweden-study. BMC Public Health. 2013;13(1):418. Link
  • Reisch LA, Gwozdz W, Barba G, De Henauw S, Lascorz N, Pigeot I. Experimental evidence on the impact of food advertising on children's knowledge about and preferences for healthful food. J Obes. 2013;2013: Article ID 408582. Link
  • Risé P, Tragni E, Ghezzi S, Agostoni C, Marangoni F, Poli A, et al. Different patterns characterize Omega 6 and Omega 3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in blood from Italian infants, children, adults and elderly. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2013;89(4):215-20. Link
  • Sparano S, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Marild S, Molnar D, Moreno LA, et al. Being macrosomic at birth is an independent predictor of overweight in children: Results from the IDEFICS study. Matern Child Health J. 2013;17(8):1373-81. Link
  • Vanaelst B, Michels N, Huybrechts I, Clays E, Flórez MR, Balcaen L, et al. Cross-sectional relationship between chronic stress and mineral concentrations in hair of elementary school girls. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2013;153(1-3):41-9. Link
  • Vanaelst B, Huybrechts I, Michels N, Flórez MR, Aramendía M, Balcaen L, et al. Hair minerals and metabolic health in Belgian elementary school girls. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2013;151(3):335-43. Link


  • Börnhorst C. Validity of dietary data in younger populations and implications of measurement errors. Bremen: Universität Bremen; 2012. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Börnhorst C, Huybrechts I, Ahrens W, Eiben G, Michels N, Pala V, et al. Prevalence and determinants of misreporting among European children in proxy-reported 24 h dietary recalls. Br J Nutr. 2012;109(7):1257-65. Link
  • Börnhorst C, Hense S, Ahrens W, Hebestreit A, Reisch L, Barba G, et al. From sleep duration to childhood obesity-what are the pathways? Eur J Pediatr. 2012;171(7):1029-38. Link
  • Hebestreit A, Ahrens W. Dietary and lifestyle-induced diseases in children : Design, examination modules and study population of the baseline survey of the German IDEFICS cohort. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2012;55(6-7):892-9. Link
  • Herrmann D, Hebestreit A, Ahrens W. Impact of physical activity and exercise on bone health in the life course : a review. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2012;55(1):35-54. Link
  • Hunsberger M, Formisano A, Reisch LA, Bammann K, Moreno L, De Henauw S, et al. Overweight in singletons compared to children with siblings: the IDEFICS study. Nutr Diabetes. 2012;2:e56. Link
  • Kovács E, Stomfai S, Mólnar D. A novel approach of cardiovascular risk assessment in children [Szív- és érrendszeri megbetegedések rizikóbecslése gyermekkorban]. Paediatrics [Gyermekgyógyászat] 2012;63:5-10.
  • Lanfer A. Taste preferences, diet and overweight in European children: An epidemiological perpective. Bremen: Universität Bremen; 2012. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Lanfer A, Knof K, Barba G, Veidebaum T, Papoutsou S, de Henauw S, et al. Taste preferences in association with dietary habits and weight status in European children: results from the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2012;36(1):27-34. Link
  • Lauria F, Siani A, Bammann K, Foraita R, Huybrechts I, Iacoviello L, et al. Prospective analysis of the association of a common variant of FTO (rs9939609) with adiposity in children: Results of the IDEFICS study. PLoSOne. 2012;7(11):e48876. Link
  • Lissner L, Lanfer A, Gwozdz W, Olafsdottir S, Eiben G, Moreno LA, et al. Television habits in relation to overweight, diet and taste preferences in European children: the IDEFICS study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2012;27(9):705-15. Link
  • Michels N, Sioen I, Braet C, Eiben G, Hebestreit A, Huybrechts I, et al. Stress, emotional eating behaviour and dietary patterns in children. Appetite. 2012;59(3):762-9. Link
  • Michels N, Sioen I, Huybrechts I, Bammann K, Vanaelst B, De Vriendt T, et al. Negative life events, emotions and psychological difficulties as determinants of salivary cortisol in Belgian primary school children. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012;37(9):1506-15. Link
  • Michels N, Sioen I, De Vriendt T, Huybrechts I, Vanaelst B, De Henauw S. Children's morning and evening salivary cortisol: pattern, instruction compliance and sampling confounders. Horm Res Paediatr. 2012;77(1):27-35. Link
  • Michels N, Vanaelst B, Stoppie E, Huybrechts I, Bammann K, de Henauw S, et al. Parental and children's report of emotional problems: agreement, explanatory factors and event-emotion correlation. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2012;18(3):180-6. Link
  • Ojiambo R, Konstabel K, Veidebaum T, Reilly J, Verbestel V, Huybrechts I, et al. Validity of hip-mounted uniaxial accelerometry with heart-rate monitoring vs. triaxial accelerometry in the assessment of free-living energy expenditure in young children: the IDEFICS Validation Study. J Appl Physiol. 2012;113(10):1530-6. Link
  • Sánchez J, Priego T, Picó C, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Fraterman A, et al. Blood cells as a source of transcriptional biomarkers of childhood obesity and its related metabolic alterations: results of the IDEFICS study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012;97(4):E648-52. Link
  • Sioen I, Mouratidou T, Herrmann D, De Henauw S, Kaufman JM, Molnár D, et al. Relationship between markers of body fat and calcaneal bone stiffness differs between preschool and primary school children: results from the IDEFICS baseline survey. Calcif Tissue Int. 2012;91(4):276-85. Link
  • Sioen I, Mouratidou T, Kaufman JM, Bammann K, Michels N, Pigeot I, et al. Determinants of vitamin D status in young children: results from the Belgian arm of the IDEFICS (Identification and Prevention of Dietary- and Lifestyle-Induced Health Effects in Children and Infants) Study. Public Health Nutr. 2012;15(6):1093-9. Link
  • Van den Bussche K, Michels N, Gracia-Marco L, Herrmann D, Eiben G, De Henauw S, et al. Influence of birth weight on calcaneal bone stiffness in Belgian preadolescent children. Calcif Tissue Int. 2012;91(4):267-75. Link
  • Vanaelst B, De Vriendt T, Ahrens W, Bammann K, Hadjigeorgiou C, Konstabel K, et al. Prevalence of psychosomatic and emotional symptoms in European school-aged children and its relationship with childhood adversities: results from the IDEFICS study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2012;21(5):253-65. Link
  • Vanaelst B, Huybrechts I, Bammann K, Michels N, de Vriendt T, Vyncke K, et al. Intercorrelations between serum, salivary, and hair cortisol and child-reported estimates of stress in elementary school girls. Psychophysiology. 2012;49(8):1072-81. Link
  • Vanaelst B, Huybrechts I, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Bammann K, Hadjigeorgiou C, Eiben G, et al. Prevalence of negative life events and chronic adversities in European pre- and primary-school children: results from the IDEFICS study. Arch Public Health. 2012;70(1):26. Link
  • Vanaelst B, Huybrechts I, Michels N, Vyncke K, Sioen I, De Vriendt T, et al. Mineral concentrations in hair of Belgian elementary school girls: reference values and relationship with food consumption frequencies. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012;150(1-3):56-67. Link
  • Verbestel V, de Henauw S, Marild M, Storcksdieck S, Fernandez Celemin L, Gallois K, et al. The IDEFICS intervention toolbox - a guide to successful obesity prevention at community level. In: Jay Maddock, editor. Public Health - Social and Behavioral Health. InTech; 2012. p. 3-40. Link


  • Ahrens W, Bammann K, Siani A, Buchecker K, De Henauw S, Iacoviello L, et al. The IDEFICS cohort: design, characteristics and participation in the baseline survey. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S3-15. Link
  • Bammann K, Sioen I, Huybrechts I, Casajús JA, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Cuthill R,et al. The IDEFICS validation study on field methods for assessing physical activity and body composition in children: design and data collection. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S79-87. Link
  • Buck C, Pohlabeln H, Huybrechts I, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Pitsiladis Y, Reisch L, Pigeot I. Development and application of a moveability index to quantify possibilities for physical activity in the built environment of children. Health Place. 2011;17(6):1191-201. Link
  • De Henauw S, Verbestel V, Mårild S, Barba G, Bammann K, Eiben G, et al. The IDEFICS community-oriented intervention programme: a new model for childhood obesity prevention in Europe? Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S16-23. Link
  • Galli C, Risé P, Ghezzi S. Comprensione e prevenzione dell'obesità e patologie correlate nell'infanzia: Lo studio Europeo IDEFICS. Natural 1. 2011; 2011:34-8.
  • Gallois KM, de Henauw S, Hassel H, Hebestreit A, Pigeot I, Zeeb H. Standardized development of the IDEFICS intervention and its implementation in Germany. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2011;54(3):330-8. Link
  • Gwozdz W, Reisch LA, the IDEFICS consortium. Instruments for analysing the influence of advertising on children's food choices. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S137-43. Link
  • Hense S, Barba G, Pohlabeln H, De Henauw S, Marild S, Molnar D, et al. Factors that influence weekday sleep duration in European children. Sleep. 2011;34(5):633-9. Link
  • Hense S, Bayer O. Sleep duration and overweight. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2011;54(12):1337-43. Link
  • Hense S, Pohlabeln H, De Henauw S, Eiben G, Molnar D, Moreno LA, et al. Sleep duration and overweight in European children: is the association modified by geographic region? Sleep. 2011;34(7):885-90. Link
  • Hense S. Sleep duration and its role in the aetiology of cardio-metabolic health outcomes. Bremen: Universität Bremen; 2011. (PhD Thesis) Link
  • Herrmann D, Suling M, Reisch L, Siani A, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Maes L, et al. Repeatability of maternal report on prenatal, perinatal and early postnatal factors: findings from the IDEFICS parental questionnaire. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S52-60. Link
  • Horner FE, Rayson MP, Bilzon JL. Reliability and validity of the 3DNX accelerometer during mechanical and human treadmill exercise testing. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S88-97. Link
  • Huybrechts I, Börnhorst C, Pala V, Moreno LA, Barba G, Lissner L, et al. Evaluation of the Children's Eating Habits Questionnaire used in the IDEFICS study by relating urinary calcium and potassium to milk consumption frequencies among European children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S69-78. Link
  • Knof K, Lanfer A, Bildstein MO, Buchecker K, Hilz H. Development of a method to measure sensory perception in children at the European level. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S131-6. Link
  • Koni AC, Scott RA, Wang G, Bailey ME, Peplies J, Bammann K,et al. DNA yield and quality of saliva samples and suitability for large-scale epidemiological studies in children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S113-8. Link
  • Lanfer A, Hebestreit A, Ahrens W, Krogh V, Sieri S, Lissner L, et al. Reproducibility of food consumption frequencies derived from the Children's Eating Habits Questionnaire used in the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S61-8. Link
  • Nicholls SG, Gwozdz W, Reisch L, Voigt K. Fiscal food policy: equity and practice. Perspect Public Health. 2011;131(4):157-8. Link
  • Ojiambo R, Cuthill R, Budd H, Konstabel K, Casajús JA, González-Agüero A, et al. Impact of methodological decisions on accelerometer outcome variables in young children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S98-103. Link
  • Peplies J, Günther K, Bammann K, Fraterman A, Russo P, Veidebaum T, et al. Influence of sample collection and preanalytical sample processing on the analyses of biological markers in the European multicentre study IDEFICS. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S104-12. Link
  • Pigeot I, Siani A, Bammann K, de Henauw S, Iacoviello L, Hebestreit A, et al. IDEFICS study - Baseline results and future perspectives. Obes Rev. 2011;12:5 (Abstract of presentation)
  • Sioen I, Goemare S, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, De Vriendt T, Kaufman JM, et al. The relationship between paediatric calcaneal quantitative ultrasound measurements and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and DXA with laser (DXL) as well as body composition. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S125-30. Link
  • Stomfai S, Ahrens W, Bammann K, Kovács E, Mårild S, Michels N, et al. Intra- and inter-observer reliability in anthropometric measurements in children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S45-51. Link
  • Suling M, Hebestreit A, Peplies J, Bammann K, Nappo A, Eiben G, et al. Design and results of the pretest of the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S30-44. Link
  • Tubic B, Magnusson P, Swolin-Eide D, Mårild S. Relation between bone mineral density, biological markers and anthropometric measures in 4-year-old children: a pilot study within the IDEFICS study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S119-24. Link
  • Verbestel V, De Henauw S, Maes L, Haerens L, Mårild S, Eiben G, et al. Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2011;82(8). Link
  • Voigt K. Tackling childhood obesity through the education system: opportunities and ethical challenges. Obes Rev. 2011; 12, Supplement 1.
  • Wickins-Drazilova D, Williams G, the IDEFICS consortium. The ethics of evaluating obesity intervention studies on children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35 Suppl 1:S24-9. Link


  • Haerens L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Eiben G, Lauria F, Bel S, Keimer K, et al. Formative research to develop the IDEFICS physical activity intervention component: findings from focus groups with children and parents. J Phys Act Health. 2010;7(2):246-56. Link
  • Hebestreit A, Keimer KM, Hassel H, Nappo A, Eiben G, Fernandez JM,et al. What do children understand? Communicating health behavior in a European multicenter study. J Public Health. 2010;18(4):391-401. Link
  • Huybrechts I, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Buck C & De Henauw S. Umweltbedingte Einflussfaktoren: Möglichkeiten und Barrieren für ein gesundes Ernährungs- und Bewegungsverhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz.  2010;53(7):716-724. Link
  • Peplies J, Fraterman A, Scott R, Russo P, Bammann K. Quality management for the collection of biological samples in multicentre studies. Eur J Epidemiol. 2010;25(9):607-17. Link
  • Pigeot I, Buck C, Hermann D & Ahrens W. Übergewicht und Adipositas bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Die weltweite Situation. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2010; 53(7):653-665. Link
  • Pigeot I, De Henauw S, Foraita R, Jahn I, Ahrens W. Primary prevention from the epidemiology perspective: three examples from the practice. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2010;10:10. Link
  • Reisch LA, Gwozdz W. [The impact of consumer behavior on the development of overweight children. An overview] Einfluss des Konsumsverhaltens auf die Entwicklung von Übergewicht bei Kindern. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2010;53(7):725-32. Link
  • Wickins-Drazilova D, Williams G. Ethical and public policy aspects of childhood obesity: opinions of scientists working on an intervention study. Obes Rev. 2010;11(8):620-6. Link
  • Wickins-Drazilova D, Nicholls S, Williams G, Börnhorst C, Grafström L, De Henauw S, et al. Parental views on public-policy options regarding healthy eating. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics: Global Food Security: Ethical and Legal Challenges 2010:184-8. Link


  • Dreas J, Hassel H. What accounts for good practice? Assessment of obesity prevention projects for kindergarten children in Germany. J Public Health. 2009;18(2):145-52. Link
  • Haerens L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Barba G, Eiben G, Fernandez J, Hebestreit A, et al. Developing the IDEFICS community-based intervention program to enhance eating behaviors in 2- to 8-year-old children: findings from focus groups with children and parents. Health Educ Res. 2009;24(3):381-93. Link
  • Hebestreit A, Ahrens W, the IDEFICS consortium. Relationship between dietary behaviours and obesity in European children. Int J Paediatr Obes. 2009;Supplement 1:45-7. Link
  • Pigeot I, Barba G, Chadjigeorgiou C, de Henauw S, Kourides Y, Lissner L, et al. Prevalence and determinants of childhood overweight and obesity in European countries: pooled analysis of the existing surveys within the IDEFICS Consortium. Int J Obes (Lond). 2009;33(10):1103-10. Link


  • Ahrens W, Bammann K, Pigeot I. [Evidence-based primary prevention using an intervention study on childhood overweight as an example] Evidenzbasierung von Primärprävention am Beispiel einer Interventionsstudie zum kindlichen Übergewicht. Präv Gesundheitsf. 2008;3(4):246-52. Link
  • Bucksch J & Finne E. Messung der motivationalen Bereitschaft zu körperlicher Aktivität - Vergleichende Validierung verschiedener bewegungsbezogener Messinstrumente für die Stufen der Verhaltensänderung bei Jugendlichen. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 2008;3(3):179-186.Link
  • España-Romero V, Artero EG, Santaliestra-Pasias AM, Gutierrez A, Castillo MJ, Ruiz JR. Hand span influences optimal grip span in boys and girls aged 6 to 12 years. J Hand Surg Am. 2008;33(3):378-84. Link
  • Hassel H & Keimer KM. Parent involvement when developing health education programmes. Italian Journal of Public Health. 2008;5(1):4-11. Link


  • Ahrens W, Hassel H, Hebestreit A, Peplies J, Pohlabeln H, Suling M, et al. [IDEFICS - Causes and prevention of diet- and lifestyle-related disorders in children] IDEFICS - Ursachen und Prävention ernährungs- und lebensstilbedingter Erkrankungen im Kindesalter. Ernährung 2007:314–21. Link
  • Bammann K, Peplies J, Pigeot I, Ahrens W. [IDEFICS: a Multicenter European Project on Diet- and Lifestyle-Related Disorders in Children] IDEFICS: ein europäisches multizentrisches Projekt zu ernährungs- und lebensstilbedingten Erkrankungen im Kindesalter. Med Klin. 2007; 102(3):230-5. Link


  • Ahrens W, Bammann K, de Henauw S, Halford J, Palou A, Pigeot I, et al. Understanding and preventing childhood obesity and related disorders--IDEFICS: a European multilevel epidemiological approach. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2006;16(4):302-8. Link
  • Bammann K, Peplies J, Sjöström M, Lissner L, Henauw S, Iacoviello L, et al. Assessment of diet, physical activity and biological, social and environmental factors in a multi-centre European project on diet- and lifestyle-related disorders in children (IDEFICS). Public Health. 2006;14(5):279-289. Link

Further related publications from member of the IDEFICS consortium

  • Dreas J, Hassel H. What accounts for good practice? Assessment of obesity prevention projects for kindergarten children in Germany. J Public Health. 2009;18(2):145-52.
  • Garrido-Miguel M, Cavero-Redondo I, Alvarez-Bueno C, Rodriguez-Artalejo F, Moreno LA, RuizJR, et al. Prevalenz and Trends of Overweight and Obesity in European Children From 1999 to 2016. A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA Pediatrics. 2019.
  • Reisch LA, Gwozdz W. Chubby cheeks and climate change: childhood obesity as a sustainable development issue. Int J Consum Stud. 2011; 35(1):3-9.

  • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults. The Lancet. 2024 Mar 16;403(10431):1027-1050. Link.
  • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: A pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants. The Lancet2020;396(10261):1511-1524. Link
  • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in children’s and adolescents’ body mass index, underweight, overweight and obesity, in comparison with adults, from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2,416 population-based measurement studies with 128.9 million participants. The Lancet. 2017;390(10113):2627-2642. Link